ICSA’s methodologies serve as a consultancy for analytical laboratories.

This Standard recognizes technical proficiency and result validity of analytical laboratories.

The main target of this Standard is to define a Quality Management System to manufacture products that meet customer’s requirements.

ICSA validates computer systems based on the GDP (Good Development Practices) laws as stated by the EU.

GxP is based on the precepts for Good Pharmaceutical Industry Practices, covering all aspects from drug development to drug manufacturing.

Coaching for laboratories

We design a personalized plan to improve the processes of the laboratory increasing results and profits for our customers.

ICSA has over 15 years of experience as a consultancy for anaytical laboratories. Our main purpose is to offer solutions for laboratories. We work with chemical laboratories, environmental laboratories, physical laboratories and many other types of analytical laboratories. ICSA has developed a well-structured methodology to implement the ISO standards correctly.

Over 15 years of experience in designing and assembling laboratories, advising our customers to buy equipment, training technicians in analytical techniques and implementing ISO standards.

Rosana Martínez, responsable de calidad y consultor de sistemas de calidad


“Hacer del trabajo la mayor motivación.”

Quality Manager & Quality Systems Consultant

Graduate in Bussiness Management – MBA


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“Si no conozco una cosa, la investigaré.”

Quality Systems Consultant

PhD in Chemistry


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Olga Pardo, consultor de sistemas de calidad

Consultancy for analytical laboratories. We help our customers to get certified in the most important ISO standards.

Internal Audits

All ISO standards of quality management such as ISO 9001, ISO 17025, ISO 14001, etc. emphasize the importance of measuring and monitoring the situation of the enterprises compared to the requirements of the implemented quality management system.

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Our Costumers

FCC Ámbito

ISO 17025

UNE-EN ISO/IEC 17025 standard establishes requirements to recognize technical proficiency and result validity of the laboratories.

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Our Costumers

FCC Ámbito

ISO 17043

ISO/IEC 17043 standard provides the foundations to determine the proficiency of the intercomparison programs of supplier organizations. Laboratories and accreditation entities could use the results of the intercomparison programs for the accreditation process if they can trust the correct operation of these programs.

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Our Costumers

Testqual SEIMC

ISO 22716

ISO 22716 standard provides guidelines of Cosmetic Products Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP’s) for the production, control, storage and distribution of these products.

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Aimed to

Cosmetic Products Manufacturers
Cosmetic Ingredients Manufacturers
Cosmetic Containers Manufacturers
Pharmaceutical laboratories

ISO 9001

UNE-EN ISO 9001 standard’s main target is to increase the customer’s satisfaction, including processes for continuous improvement and the assurence of conformity of the products.

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ISO 14001

UNE-EN ISO 14001 standard establishes the requirements for an environmental management system. This system allows the organization to develop and implement a policy and goals based on the significant aspects of their activities.

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Our Costumers

Tecda Control

Good Practices (GxP’s)

GxP’s main target is to ensure and certify that a product meets the safety standards and its operating instructions. GxP’s main aspects:

  • GLP: Good Laboratory Practices. It focuses on drug development.
  • GCP: Good Clinical Practices. It focuses on clinical analysis.
  • GMP: Good Manufacturing Practices. It focuses on drug development process.
  • GAMP: Good Automatic Manufacturing Practices. It focuses on the computer systems used in a GxP’s environment.

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Aimed to

Pharmaceutical Industry

Validation Systems

ICSA validates computer systems based on the GDP laws as stated by the EU. The final report contains:

  • IQ: Validation of the documents about system design specifications, system features, system configurations.
  • OQ: Validation of the system’s operability, its logical security, its audit log, data backup, data restore management and the testing of associated procedures.
  • PQ: The system’s normal performance monitoring.

The main target of this validation is to demonstrate and certify that the system is strong, effective and safe.

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Aimed to

Pharmaceutical Industry

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